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Holy Spirit in-dwelling in humans-an essential component in the formation of the God-kingdom
By: Aladin Mariano, M.D.


How critical is it for the holy spirit of power to in-dwell in humans? Without it, no one will get into the God-kingdom? The mind has to align with the Father. Proof?

1. From Adam, Abraham, David and others after them, all (except man-Jesus) sinned because of lack of power to overcome temptations.

2. The first time the “empowering holy spirit” in-dwelt in a human was in the narrative of John regarding the man-Jesus Christ, the incarnated Creator-El Shaddai/YHVH-Elohim incarnate, as in Matt. 3:16


“After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him.” Matthew 3:16

From here on, having been “empowered with the Holy Spirit”, he then went to the desert and proved to us this power, by overcoming all the temptations of Satan as in Matthew 4:1-11 This narrative shows that even the incarnate Creator God, being human, had to be empowered; thus, the Holy Spirit is “not another person” as in Trinity Doctrine, but a very powerful and energizing power provided by God. And, so must all humans have this “empowering energy” to in-dwell in us. Truly, this “in-dwelling of the empowering holy spirit” is a major step towards “salvation”…the God-kingdom

3. The angelic beings did not have this “empowering holy spirit”. No wonder, 1/3rd of them were swayed by Satan to rebel against God Almighty as in Revelation 12:3-4

4. Only after man-Jesus resurrected, (and not before), was he able to give that power to others (specifically) as in John 20:22 and generally at Pentecost as in Acts 2 and still ongoing through our time.

These are the “first fruits/first harvest and later on, to the “latter fruits”/later harvest during the millennial rule of Jesus Christ on earth.

As Creator-God used his “spiritual power” in re-creating the earth that became “Tohu & Bohu” in Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23, his “in/dwelling empowering holy spirit” is the way Jesus Christ is creating the God-kingdom from “marred clay” as prophesied by “writing the laws in our heart/mind” as in 2Corinthians 3:3 and no longer in “tables of stones” that were broken at time of Moses, as in Exodus 32:19. Jesus will guide and empower us by dwelling in us “spiritually”.

God bless us all

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