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Today, November 14, 2022, we the Adventist International Ministries (AIM) formally launch our website:


This network, an “offering of the present Truth to feed the lambs” is dedicated to Brother Ruperto B.  Pajela, Sr., for his legacy of being the founder of AIM. We are deeply saddened by his passing on October 13, 2022.  We would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere condolences to his beloved wife, Lourdes Corpus Pajela, and to the rest of his family.  

I first met Brother Rupert Pajela at a religious discussion in Glendale Galleria where a group of Filipinos met every morning and talked about their own beliefs. Brother Rupert always carried in his back pocket a small, white Bible which he consulted whenever he wanted to prove his point.  At the end of each session his parting words were, “We are all Adventists because we are all waiting for Christ’s second coming.” After several months of attending this group, I was honored and humbled to receive the entrustment of the ministry from Brother Ruperto Pajela.

We are privileged to have Aladin Mariano, MD, a colleague in the profession, to contribute to our website.  We will feature his biblical research, a passion of his since he was a teenager. We will have a chance to compare and study his writings like what the Bereans did a long time ago. His credentials are available in the About Us section.

AIM’s goal in setting up this website is to inspire our readers to have an interest in reading the Holy Scriptures in order to know and have faith in God.  Once we develop and practice a living faith in our daily walk with God can we move forward to spiritual maturity. 

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